The Rare Moorland Hare
With spring on its way and exhibitions too, I have deiced to make a piece capturing a moment only to be seen in spring. In these months hares come out into plain site, on moorland, farmland and meadows. As part of their mating ritual, they box for mates and dominance, it is a spectacular sight to see, one that it is becoming rare. However there is a scheme on Bodmin Moor where they release hares onto the moors every ten year to increase the wild numbers. I have never been luckily enough to see them in real life, though this year I will go to the Cheese Wrings where I hear they can been seen, in the hope that I too will see them. Until then I have created this piece capturing a snapshot of two hares box over moorland. As they do so, one jumps up and sending fur flying into the air. I have used an number of techniques within the piece including, machine embroidery, hand embroidery, quilting, fabric painting and three dimensional textile techniques to capture the moment.