Textile Landscapes
Over the year I have spent many hours wondering different parts of Cornwall, collecting inspiration for my artwork. From Cadsonbury Wood to the stunning view at the top of it's Fort, the tors and valleys of Bodmin moor, to the depths of the gorges. There are some beautiful walks on offer, if you can find the energy to walk up the tors, keeping an eye out for the bogs!!!
When I find a stunning view or an inspirational piece, I pause, sketch and design, before leaving I take a quick photo and jot down notes on colour. Over the last week I have being making small landscape works and have so far completed four. I started by looking at my sketches, notes and photos using these to design the final piece. I fabric paint each design, taking into consideration the machine embroidering that would be worked on top, it is so important not to add to much detail at this point, so that the piece does not become too fussy. After painting I let the dyes dry naturally and then carefully machine embroider in the detailing, using many different threads needed to create the correct colours.