Nicole Lupton
Jan 11, 2017
Making A Splash
Painted the background to my Rainbow Trout design today, I had quite forgotten how difficult it was to recreate water but, soon got back...

Nicole Lupton
Jan 10, 2017
A Rainbow Trout Jumps
The start of a new project today. It's been a while since I last created a piece of art inspired by fish, but found myself being drawn...

Nicole Lupton
Nov 28, 2016
Summer Dreams
Today I started a new piece whilst dreaming of summer days paddling down the river. Here is the design of two young/ fledgling reed...

Nicole Lupton
Oct 27, 2016
Leaves Falling Everywhere
I feel like I've made hundreds of leaves today while watching hundreds fall outside my studio window.

Nicole Lupton
Oct 25, 2016
Starting A New Piece
Today I decided to start working on a new large piece of art for the winter exhibition at Cotehele Gallery. It's going to be a marathon...

Nicole Lupton
Aug 25, 2016
Building Up
After the first coat, I have started to build up the layers with my dyes and fabric paints. It is starting to come together and look more...

Nicole Lupton
Aug 22, 2016
The Start Of A New Piece
Started a new piece today after a couple of days planning and designing, here is a photo of a quick sketch of the finished idea and me...

Nicole Lupton
Aug 19, 2016
Rough and Tumble
'Rough and Tumble' is finally framed and is now up for sale on my website after nearly four weeks sourcing a frame and having it made. It...

Nicole Lupton
Aug 12, 2016
Wood Turning a Base
It's been years since I've done any wood work or turning, but I was in need of base for more one of my frog sculptures. I have spent...

Nicole Lupton
Jul 22, 2016
Sewing On Fern
Finished 'Rough and Tumble' today, attaching the last of my ferns...

Nicole Lupton
Jul 21, 2016
Second Fox Cub
Finally finished my second fox cub today and hope to finish the piece before the weekend!!!

Nicole Lupton
Jul 13, 2016
Fern Leaves
Been making fern leaves for what seems like days, and have finally got round to putting them together. I must of made hundreds of them!!!

Nicole Lupton
Jul 11, 2016
Painted Background With Fabric Paints
Just a quick photo of a painted background, of a piece I have been working on for the last few days. I have been planning this piece for...

Nicole Lupton
Jul 1, 2016
Hanson's Fabric Sale
Went to Hanson's fabric store in Sturminster Newton today making the most of their 20% sale, take a look at my goodies!!!

Nicole Lupton
Feb 7, 2016
Painting With Thread
People often say to me, I must get through a lot of thread and have a large collection in order to achieve the very many different colour...