Nicole Lupton
Mar 30, 2017
Dartmoor Embroidered
The background is finally embroidered and doesn't my hand now it!!!

Nicole Lupton
Mar 30, 2017
Just Keep Embroidering
Here I am embroidering the view, still lots to go!

Nicole Lupton
Mar 29, 2017
Painting Dartmoor
Just finished painting the background of a new piece inspired by the view on the very top of Sheepstor on Dartmoor.

Nicole Lupton
Mar 28, 2017
As Nature Is My Inspiration...
I have never had any problems finding inspiration whilst living in Cornwall, it seems like everywhere I look or go inspiration is rife....

Nicole Lupton
Mar 24, 2017
A Shoal Of Textile Pilchards
A few finishing pieces to go but the main body of the piece is finished and should be finished and ready to buy on Monday. I will be glad...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 23, 2017
Embroidering Pilchards
Having already started these over the weekend I spent today finishing the pilchards and attaching them to my background.

Nicole Lupton
Mar 22, 2017
Painting Pilchards
The Pilchards are getting closer so are getting larger with more detailing. It is surprising how long it has taken to paint these few!...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 21, 2017
So Many Little Fishes
Spent today painting all these distant Pilchards spiraling up towards the sun that has hit the surface of the sea, reflecting its bright...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 20, 2017
The Cornish Pilchard
Today I started a new piece inspired by the Cornish sea around me, after some quick sketching of designs and ideas I have finalised my...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 17, 2017
Not Again!
Completed 'Not Again!' A young pup seal happily sits basking in the warmth of the midday sun, listening to the gentle sound of surf...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 16, 2017
Finishing The Waves
One of the last stages sewing on all the manipulated fabric to the back fabric to create the wave effect. Then it just the whiskers on...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 15, 2017
Cutting away at the waves
Cut away at the waves and manipulating to stop it fraying, it also add extra detailing like the ripples in water.

Nicole Lupton
Mar 14, 2017
Working the Waves
Here I am working on the wave that is crashing over the pups head.

Nicole Lupton
Mar 13, 2017
Pup Seal Embroidery
Spent the last few days embroidery a pup seal, I just love his expression! Here he is quilted onto my fabric painted background.

Nicole Lupton
Mar 9, 2017
Manipulating The Waves
Here I am experimenting with manipulating fabric to recreate the surface of a wave, for my new pup seal design.