Nicole Lupton
Nov 30, 2016
Summer Dreams Part 2
Today I finished my summer dream piece and am chuffed with its final outcome, which transports me to happy warm days on the river.

Nicole Lupton
Nov 28, 2016
Summer Dreams
Today I started a new piece whilst dreaming of summer days paddling down the river. Here is the design of two young/ fledgling reed...

Nicole Lupton
Nov 24, 2016

Nicole Lupton
Nov 8, 2016
Two Mice and A Teasel
I enjoyed making my last three-dimensional mouse so much I deiced to make this pair, who have both came to a halt as they noticed a...

Nicole Lupton
Nov 8, 2016
Poor Buzzard
Every day this poor Buzzard gets bombarded by Crows and Rooks and today is no different.

Nicole Lupton
Nov 3, 2016
All Wrapped Up
I now have five new pieces at Cotehele Galley ready for their winter exhibition 'All Wrapped Up' which opens on Sat 5th Nov.

Nicole Lupton
Nov 1, 2016
Sleepy Hollow
The finished article 'Sleepy Hollow'! 'Deep in the woods four foxes huggle together taking shelter in a hollowed-out tree trunk. One...