Nicole Lupton
Oct 27, 2016
Leaves Falling Everywhere
I feel like I've made hundreds of leaves today while watching hundreds fall outside my studio window.

Nicole Lupton
Oct 25, 2016
Starting A New Piece
Today I decided to start working on a new large piece of art for the winter exhibition at Cotehele Gallery. It's going to be a marathon...

Nicole Lupton
Oct 24, 2016
A Sheltering Field Mouse
Spent the weekend making a new sculpture, it nice to see it come together! Here he is...

Nicole Lupton
Oct 19, 2016
One Cheeky Pheasant
This cheeky pheasant fancied a mid-afternoon snack on some kale growing in the veg garden. He has quite a walk!!!

Nicole Lupton
Oct 13, 2016
The Beauty of Bodmin Moor
Got up super early this morning to see the sunrise on Bodmin Moor, I arrived when it was still dark and spent some time exploring the old...

Nicole Lupton
Oct 2, 2016
Winter Collection
I have been asked to show my art in the winter exhibition at Cotehele Gallery 'All Wrapped up'. After a couple of weeks of finding...